vineri, 1 iunie 2012

Interviu - Cameron Jace

Se pare ca astazi am reusit in cele din urma sa obtin un interviu cu Cameron Jace. Anul acesta va lansa o carte (Snow White Sorrow) de care pot spune ca m-am indragostit de la prima vedere si pe care abia astept sa o citesc si sa imi impartasesc parerile cu voi. Mai jos aveti interviul, daca vreti imi puteti spune printr-un comentariu ce parere va lasat.

01) First of all, thank you very much for granting me this interview. I was wondering whether you would like to tell us something about yourself.

I am just a regular guy who loves reading and writing next to other things. Lately, I discovered that some readers thought I was a girl because of my name, Cameron. I am a David Bowie and John Hughes and Neil Gaiman proud fan too.

02) Snow White Sorrow is your debut YA novel. What inspired you to write it?

Well, it's not my debut. I wrote two other books about five years ago and they were very different ( dark fantasy ) under another name, but I don't want to mention them now since I am in love with the new YA genre I am writing in.
So about Snow White Sorrow, I was reading the intro of the fairy tale one day and stopped at the fact that the stepmother pricked her finger and that blood made her think of her daughter. Suddenly, the description of Snow White stroke me as a vampire.
So I searched the internet to see if the idea was done before, and only two other writers did, Tanith Lee, and Neil Gaiman, so I started reading, but what I read wasn't enough, because whenever I did a research, it made more sense to me that Snow White could make a perfect vampire. For instance when I searched why the Evil Queen would want to eat Snow White's liver ( which is mentioned in the original script ) I found a historical fact that proves that she is a vampire ( I am not going to spoil it before the book comes out )
And so the story went on. It was kind of writing itself.

03) What kind of message do you try to send with your novels?

I don't like messages in books no more ( that was what my old books were about, I was twenty two and wanted to write something huge which didn't work ) I write the books I want to read because I didn't find someone who wrote them that way. So if I tell a book is good, it means that the book was fun. If I am entertained, I love the book.

04) Do you have a favorite novel?

It's a novella by Stephen king called Secret Window Secret Garden. It's what made me want to be a writer.

05) Do you have a favorite author?

Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, and Chuck Palahnuick ( yes, I like the crazy guy ) but I don't write anything like him.

06) Do you have any projects in the making?

A lot :) You see, I wrote about 12 books in the last three years. I had certain circumstances that made me have a lot of time and made me want to write again. But I think the Grimm Diaries is the main project. Also I will tell you about a promotion I am doing about the series in the end of the interview.

07) Describe a typical day spent writing. Do you have any unusual writing habits?

Well, I have one big problem with writing. I can't write and live at the same time. If I write, I just write, then I stop and start living again without ever writing. I think it's because when I have an idea that I want to write, I just have to write it, and i write fast. The first draft of any book takes only one month with me, because if I write slower the idea will evaporate.

08) What are you reading now?

I am reading Angelfall by Susan Ee which I really like.

09) Are there any details you can reveal about Snow White Sorrow?

Hmm... I don't really know. but this brings me to what I wanted to tell you about. I decided writing small prequels for Snow White Sorrow. It's called the Grimm Diaries prequels. They are short stories which give you a glimpse of what to expect. They are seven mini books ( about 10 pages each, told as scattered diary pages told by some fairy tale characters ) It will be available on kindle exclusively form June 1rst.
There are two short stories available now:
Snow White Blood Red told by the snow white queen
Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder told by someone called Alice Grimm
You're actually the first one to know this right now :)
I wanted the Grimm Diaries Prequels to be free but don't allow that but they will be free for three says from June first to the June 3rd.

10) And last, do you have any words for your Romanian fans?

I am have German and half Egyptian, and I live in the states. So I am kind of multi cultured. I met a lot of Romania people who are really fun. I was so happy that many Romanian emailed me through twitter when they heard of Snow White Sorrow. I hope that they like my book since I don't know how it feels to be coming from the land where the Dracula idea came from. I always wonder if you guys like the way vampires are portrayed. And I know that Romania is not just about Vampires like Egypt is not just about pyramids. All I know that there is much I need to read and know about Romania's rich culture present and past:)

42 de comentarii:

  1. Foarte frumos interviul

  2. Acum am vazut ca defapt nu e un autor incepator, super

    1. Si eu tot de aici am aflat, sunt cu ochii pe carte de cand a prezentat-o elkosta prima data

  3. Sigur o voi cumpara :)

  4. Ador si cartea, imi place foarte mult am citit cateva despre aceasta carte:)

  5. Coperta mai ales este chiar de nota 10

  6. Cred ca va fi bine primita cartea la noi, si imi place ca nu ne considera doar tara lui dracula

  7. Sper sa apara si in tara noastra

  8. oare cartea apare si in romania?

  9. Nustiu, sper sa fie interviul asta mi-a atras atentia asupra cartii
